In the kitchen together, my husband recently said to me, “Hon, take a look at my phone’s screen saver.” His phone was close by on one of the kitchen counters, so I took a couple steps towards it, picked it up, and took a glance.
It was a picture.
Of me.
When I was just a wee little thing.
I hadn’t expected to see that.
Unsolicited, he willingly offered an explanation: “To remind me to be the kind of husband you dreamed about as a little girl.”
Well now, isn’t that absolutely kind of my man?
I’m not sure if that was a Spirit prompted screen saver (kudos to JWD for following it if it was), but there is absolutely no arguing that it was exceptionally kind, incredibly thoughtful, and what a remarkable marital goal!
I’ve been thinking about this experience for several days.
As it relates to Jesus.
I’ve wondered if I’m being the disciple He deserves.
Hands down in some ways. Thumbs down in others.
I believe Jesus to be grateful for all his disciples. Furthermore, in His perfect Godhood and Sonship, He likely doesn’t feel that He “deserves” this or that, but for those of us who are keenly aware of our complete dependence upon Him for taking us home to Father in Heaven, we feel the clarion call to become one deserving of the honor of being Christian, of bearing his very name.
In other words, to be the disciple He deserves.
And what kind of disciple would that be?
One that is one hundred percent dedicated and loyal to Him. One who is disciplined in the discipling. One who is consistently a mirror for the image of Christ to more fully be seen. One who keeps trying again and again. One who believes Him and takes Him at his word. One who opens his/her mouth in defense of truth. One who turns the other cheek. And so it goes.
For all He has so unselfishly done for us, Jesus of all surely merits such disciples.
Could we do a little better in our dedication and loyalty to His cause? In helping to gather Israel’s children home? In participating in things that matter most? In putting the remote or phone down and instead logging into Family Search?
Could we do a little better in our discipline? Say yes when we would rather not be inconvenienced. Choose a happy attitude. Sign up to feed the missionaries or take a meal. Care for our bodies more wisely and purposefully. Retire to bed earlier so as to be more useful to the Lord. Daily seek to know who He would have us serve.
Could we do a little better in becoming more transparent, letting others see Him through us? Less pride, more humility, more submissive and meek.
Could we do a little better in showing forth earnest and consistent effort and recommitting ourselves to never give up, never give in. Try, try, try.
Could we do a little better at simply believing Jesus? No if, and’s, or buts. Just a choice to believe that what He has said, He has said, and that’s good enough. It shall be.
Could we do a little better at opening our mouths, sharing gospel gems, taking the initiative, intentionally inviting, in defending truth when it is attacked? Cordial and kind but firm and steadfast, unmovable, fixed on unchanging truth.
Could we do a little better at turning our cheeks as a token of our commitment to following the Prince of Peace?
To be the disciples He deserves.
If anybody “deserves” dedicated, loyal, disciplined, transparent disciples, it would be Jesus. Jesus who held back nothing – not even His own life which He could have not offered willingly – has done for us what we cannot do for ourselves. Through Him, we find redemption from sin, death, and ignorance – all three of which would permanently bar us from the presence of our Father in Heaven. He really is the bridge that connects us back to God.
To bring this full circle: my screen saver has been changed these days, too. To this little wee thing:
I, too, have something of which to be reminded.
Unto all the world: To be the disciple He deserves!
One response to “To Be the Disciple He Deserves”
SOOOO Sweet!!! 🙂