Sisters, To You

I join musician, Angie Killian, in recognizing, honoring, and thanking the women of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

You are remarkable!

Your contributions add so mightily to the kingdom of God.

You are as it were my blood sisters. I love you in like manner.

And so, this song brought to you from Killian and precious primary children today from Untoalltheworld is for


Who have given so much to me in way of testimony

Whose talents enrich my journey in the wilderness

Whose tears for my sorrows and heartaches have touched the tenderest parts of my heart

Whose prayers are the petitions of angels

Who possess the hearts of true servants

Who love instead of judge

Who care for others before self


Who love being ambassadors for the cause of Christ

Unto all the world: Sisters, to you. I thank you. I love you.

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One response to “Sisters, To You”

  1. LaDawn Christenson Avatar
    LaDawn Christenson

    You are such an inspiration to me! I love your deep thoughts, and the fact that you are willing to share them with the world! 🙂